
Monday, July 23, 2007

My first Knitted creation

Well I sat & I knitted & knitted & knitted LOL. It started out as Leg warmers but I would never wear them so I started to decrease the stitches & made a beanie! Would probably fit a newborn & I don't have one of those at the moment so its on Isla's dolly. Not to bad I thinks for my first go at Knitting :)


rainbowdreams said...

so how did that happen?

did you get bored and want to finish it?

or just get inspired to make a funky beanie slash pixie hat?

i WAS hoping you'd make something for YOURSELF for a change!!!

it does look lovely, nice even knitting, all those needles, are you SURE you're really a beginner (wiggles eyebrows at you!!!)

very noice

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

you have many hidden talents FJ - very cute