
Friday, April 20, 2007

Would you like me to make you one?

Well I don't know if its just people being nice, but I have had some good feedback about my wrap. I am happy to make these for people so just drop me an email sf_fuller@aapt.net.au & we can discuss what you would like.
At the moment, as I have only made the one for myself I wouldn't charge alot. I have offered to make one for a friend at the cost of $15 + $9 for postage (anywere in Aus) so thats $24.00.
Remember, the material I used for mine cost me a total of $9 so really I am only charging a tiny fee for my time. Any that I do make will not include the little picture. This was just an iron on transfer that cost about $5. But its something you could add yourself to personalise your wrap. Its really easy, Do you have an iron? an ironing board? a damp cloth? Yes? Then you can add a little picture with ease.

The material I used is a cotton knitt. This type of material dose not fray so I have not bothered to hem the edges on mine. I think if it would look better to keep the edges this way. I think adding a hem would make it sit weird. Might work if it was overlocked. But I don't own a overlocker...

Anyway, if you would like for me to make one for you let me know :)

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